Moving to Australia

After 48 hours, 3 flights, 3 different countries, 4 plane meals, eating chicken, over dosing on night nurse, a shower toilet Dubai situation and cleaning my teeth in public toilets... I made it! 
It was tough! few tears, lots of wondering around looking lost and having to sit next to possibly the most horrendous person for a 7 hour flight. 
My journey to Oz, in all fairness, wasn't half as bad as I imagined it be. I went through the usual searches at Gatwick, as always my hair sets off the beepers, boarded the plane and waited anxiously to see who would be sitting next to me. It started off promising when a lovely Australian guy helped me with my case and sat one seat up from me. I only hoped another would sit between us or even no one at all... But what waddled up the isle coughing and smelling of smoke was my lucky plane buddy! It's always me! Not only did he sit down and take up half my breathing and seating space he took his shoes AND socks off!!! Thank god for the sleeping mask which i used as a gas mask forcing the toxins out! I spent the majority of that flight to Dubai pressed up against the window counting down the hours. On the plus side emirates airline was lovely. Comfy seats, lots of leg room, big screens and ( i can't believe I'm saying this) amazing food! 
I never thought this day would come, where I actually make it to the other side of the world... in one piece. I am so certain it was the best thing I have done, and the experiences I will endure are going to be life changing! 
Missing everyone at home. Thank you for all the support and fair well messages! will keep you updated with what I get up too but for now this is how my journey to Oz went :) 




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